Aveda's Punkature Cut and Color Collection Captures Spirit of 90s London

Created by the Aveda UKI Artistic team, Punkature is an avant-garde cut and color collection that captures the bold and unapologetic spirit of 90s London.
Created by the Aveda UKI Artistic team, Punkature is an avant-garde cut and color collection that captures the bold and unapologetic spirit of 90s London.
Courtesy of Aveda UKI Artistic Team

Aveda's UK and Ireland team is debuting their inaugural collection, Punkature

Led by visionary Creative Director and Aveda SVP, Global Professional Artistry, Antoinette Beenders, Punkature is an avant-garde cut and color collection that captures the bold and unapologetic spirit of 90s London.


This daring exploration redefines the boundaries of hair artistry, seamlessly blending edgy cuts, dynamic styles and innovative color techniques to create a visual masterpiece that pays homage to the rebellious essence of the era. In this exploration, the newly established team delve into the interplay of texture and dimensions, redefine what it means to be bold and celebrate the raw movement that defines individuality.


Their artistic mastery harmonizes intense, rich hues with natural tones, striking the perfect balance that bridges the salon world and the realm of artistic fashion. London Rebel stands as a testament to the team's dedication to pushing creative boundaries, fearlessly fusing innovation with classic influences.


Immerse yourself completely, discover the captivating stories hidden within each strand and witness the transformational power of hair as it paints a vivid picture of rebellion, freedom and unrestrained artistry.


The Aveda UKI Artistic Team is a collective of skilled and innovative hairstylists dedicated to pushing the boundaries of creative hairdressing. The talented team will take part in a two-year mentoring program, led by Antoinette Beenders, and will be given the chance to further enhance their skills and create inspirational assets designed to inspire the network and represent the Aveda brand live on stage at large-scale events.


The Aveda UKI Artistic Team includes:

Davide Spinelli @davidespinellieducation

Former finalist of the Fellowship Image Award in 2020, Davide has worked with some of the best in the industry and is currently Creative Director of Butchers flagship Aveda Salon in East London.

Domenico Sansone @domenico_butchers

An experienced business operations manager and Creative Director of Butchers Salons, Domenico has pursued further studies in photography at Central Saint Martins University and has showcased his work at many prestigious events around the world.


Karen Thomson @kamhairandbody

Multi-award winning Karen Thomson, who has previously been named Scottish Hairdresser of the Year, is the owner of one of Scotland’s leading salons - KAM Hair & Body Spa. Karen has been nurturing, developing and inspiring the next generation of hairdressers within her salon for over 30 years.

Judith Rennie @willittandjames

A trained milliner, makeup artist and with a ND in fine art, Judith has worked internationally for some of the biggest companies in the industry where she has created styles for runways around the world, as well as for a number of different films and TV shows. Judith is the Owner and Director of Willitt & James an independent salon based in rural Devizes, specializing in one of a kind, personalized hair.


Sam Bell @sambellhair

Owner and Director of Hair at 58, a multi-award-winning Aveda Concept salon in Bristol, UK, Sam has been an Aveda Artist for more than 15 years. Sam has been crowned International Female in the Spanish Live Fashion Hair Awards and has also showcased her talents at Celebrity X-Factor.

Krysia West @krysiawesthair

An award-winning hair loss specialist and educator, as well as the successful CEO of Perfectly Posh Hair and Postiche Academy, Krysia claimed the Best Hair Extensions in the UK title at the Hair Awards 2023.

Creative Director: Antoinette Beenders @antoinettebeenders

Photographer: Damian Foxe @damianfoxe

Wardrobe Stylist: Elad Bitton @mrbitton


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